About Enrolment

Parents/guardians seeking child care are required to complete an enquiry form and are placed on the waiting list if no places are available.  Once a vacancy becomes available, the place is offered to the next person on the waiting list, in accordance with the Centre’s access guidelines.

Council’s childcare services are primarily available for families who work or study.  When filling vacant places, our Centre will fill them according to the following priorities;

Priority 1               a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
Priority 2               a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy the CCS activity test.
Priority 3               any other child.

The following information will be required for enrolment:

  • Name, date of birth and address of child.
  • Parents/guardians home and work telephone numbers and addresses.
  • Immunisation details of the child - copy of National Immunisation Register record to be provided.
  • Emergency contact details for two people, in addition to the parents/guardians.
  • Copies of Family Court orders or any legal arrangements related to the child or access to the child.
  • Name, address and telephone number of the child’s doctor or medical service.
  • Details of allergies, dietary restrictions and/or other relevant medical conditions and needs of the child, including any management procedures or plans to be followed in relation to these conditions.
  • Copy of Health Care Card (for eligible Kindy Program parents).
  • Centrelink Customer Reference Numbers for child and parent claiming Child Care Subsidy.
  • Medicare number of child.
  • Priority level